商品名:Lets Go: Fourth Edition Level 2 Workbook (Lets Go (Oxford))
Success from the very beginningMillions of children have learned to speak English through the trusted methodology of Let’s Go.How・1. It gets children talking from the very beginning with conversation, and question and answer practice.2. It teaches each language pattern step by step and repeats it with plenty of practice which leaves every child feeling ‘I can do it!’3. It uses children’s natural skills through music and movement with the acclaimed Carolyn Graham’s fabulous songs, chants and drum tracks ? so they will remember the language and build their fluency.4. The lessons are systematic, clear and so involving that everyone knows what to do and no child is left behind.Let’s Read …Now there are new phonics and reading lessons to help children read fluently too!
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洋書(ORIGINAL) / Cambridge IELTS 10 Audio CDs (2): Authentic Examination Papers from Cambridge English Language Assessment (IELTS Practice Tests) / Cambridge University Press
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【中古】 Beyond the Horizon Special / Lauren Brooke / Scholastic Paperbacks [ペーパーバック]【宅配便出荷】
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【中古】 Robert F. Kennedy/PENGUIN GROUP/Mark Aronson / Marc Aronson / Viking Juvenile [ハードカバー]【ネコポス発送】
¥ 1587
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